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Rates 2010

The company EQUIPMENT HAZEMEYER was created in 1988.
Its main shareholder is the company HAZEMEYER SA, which is located in SAINT QUENTIN 02 in the Aisne.
Staff 195 people, turnover 28M€

We distribute products from the company Holec NV located in Hengelo in the Netherlands.
Effectifs1500 people, turnover 150 M€ Implantation in 24 countries.
Our business is the distribution of low voltage electrical equipment for industry and all sectors of activity or operating conditions are particularly difficult.
HAZEMEYER EQUIPMENT offers a wide range of products that have made the reputation of our society, such as: - Sets HALYESTER polyester.
- The switches with visible breaking DMV with a double break per phase needed to ensure plant safety,
- QSA switches fuses with its patented mobile contacts.
- A range of cylindrical fuse to knives.
- Power outlets industrial 16A-400A.

The structure of our major shareholders, allows HAZEMEYER EQUIPMENT always be at the forefront of technology, through service quality research and development of our various factories.
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